ANA Smart Load was developed to provide a better, simpler, reliable, automatic, cost effective and robust way of addressing light loading of generators. Our goal is to have the best system on the market to go with our best in market generators.

  • Assist in preventing downtime and service calls
  • Protects against engine damage
  • Increased utilization

Alliance North America’s Smart Load system was designed and developed to assist in preventing wet stacking and light loading issues for Tier 4 systems. We use a resistive load bank system to test the electrical integrity of the generator end as well as keep load on the engine. This power demand on the Generator in turn, adds demand to the Engine, which will keep the engine hotter and help to keep the exhaust system clean.

On Tier 4 Engines you must have at minimum a 30% load to keep the engine warm enough to avoid “Wet Stacking” scenarios or “Regeneration”. Using our Smart Load Technology, we add a 30-40% load (depending on phase) to the unit automatically by monitoring electrical load being pulled off the generator. This will happen after 5 minutes of normal use under 30% load. Once the normal load resumes at over 75%, the Smart Load will instantaneously shut off and allow normal use.

This is all automatic and requires no maintenance or adjustments, even when changing generator phase. This is and additional precautionary method to prevent light loading and wet stacking conditions, but not a prevention. Long term use of light loads will still have an effect on the unit and can create Emissions build up and Regeneration issues.

*Units with Smart Load technology must only be run with the front panel compartment intact to allow for proper airflow. Failure to do this may result in damage to the Smart Load or Generator.